
Translation Quality Estimation (TQE): What It Is and Why It Matters in Ad Translations

August 4, 2023

In the world of ad translations, precision and translation quality are pivotal for preserving the integrity of the original message across various languages. This is where Translation Quality Estimation (TQE) comes into the spotlight, emerging as a key player for its ability to automatically assess the quality of translations. TQE is designed to streamline translation evaluations, with a sharp focus on semantic accuracy, ensuring the translated content faithfully mirrors the original intention and meaning.

What Is Translation Quality Estimation (TQE) and How Does It Work?

TQE leverages cutting-edge algorithms to score the quality of translations, distilling the efficacy of a source-target pair into a single number in terms of semantics. This automated approach swiftly gauges whether both expressions preserve their original meaning cross-linguistically, which is vital for all forms of communication, from business to literature.

Take, for instance, the French phrase 'La voiture la plus rapide.' Its translation to 'The fastest car' would score perfectly, accurately reflecting the original meaning. In contrast, 'The quickest car' would score lower due to a semantic gap, since 'quick' conveys a different nuance that doesn't fully capture the essence of the source message.

The Quality Estimation in the Industry

The Translation Quality Score (TQS)-based Quality Estimation is vital and advantageous in fields where precision is paramount. Industries such as software localization and the translation of legal and financial content demand accuracy and meticulous cultural adaptation to prevent costly mistakes and ensure global relevance. TQS focus in these industries is imperative for effective communication.

The Quality Estimation Challenge

Defining what makes a 'good' translation is a complex task, particularly when delving into the finer nuances of language. Translation is not just a word-for-word exchange, but a process of meaning recreation in another language, bearing in mind the culture, context, and specific connotations.

Consider another example: 'Ajoutez une touche d'élégance française à votre cuisine avec des échalotes françaises!' A translation that closely adheres to the source text as 'Add a touch of French elegance to your kitchen with French shallots' might score high in TQS for its fidelity to the original message. However, a more creative and market-adapted version like 'Infuse Your Kitchen with French Flair Using French Shallots!' may resonate better with the target audience, even if it scores lower in TQS for straying from the source text.


TQE presents an intriguing challenge, furnishing a suite of tools to guarantee semantic precision. It's a notion that encompasses a variety of solutions to ensure semantic precision. However, it is essential to acknowledge the limitations of this approach, particularly with texts that benefit from a freer or more creative adaptation. Ultimately, TQS is a vital component of the translation ecosystem, but, for the time being, still must be complemented with contextual sensitive methods, such as having native humans revise the translations, to truly capture the essence and impact of the original message in its new language.

At GetGloby, we focus on refining translation quality assessment to support creative content adaptation. We believe that outstanding transcreation goes beyond just semantic accuracy; it must embody the brand’s voice, localization, and industry-specific nuance. Our aim is to break new ground in quality measurement, embracing both precision and cultural relevance to authentically resonate with global audiences.

Try GetGloby for free today, and ensure your marketing assets' translation captures the essence and impact of the original message.

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